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Add companies to your Diolog app

Diolog is the world's first two-way retail investor communication software. Diolog enables you to have a direct line of communication to all the companies you currently invest in or intend to invest in. You can customise which companies you would like to engage with or see updates from on the Diolog mobile application. 

To start engaging with the companies you invest in (or intend to invest in), download the Diolog mobile application from the Google Play store or the App store.

To add companies:

  1. Go to your Companies tab.
  2. Click Add company.
  3. Enter the company name or ASX code in the search bar.
  4. Once you have selected a company, nominate whether you are a current or potential investor and click Add company. 
  5. You can add multiple companies at once or click the Finish button to save your changes. 

After adding your companies, you are all set to see their company page, announcements, executive team, events and begin asking questions!

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Article Info
Last updated
20 Dec