Roger that.
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Published on
September 4, 2023

A guide to letting investors know that you’re using Diolog

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Diolog empowers companies to build better relationships with their investors. But where to start?

Once you've successfully set up your Diolog account, let your investors in on the exciting news that they now have a two-way communication channel with your company! Our research shows that by simply making investors aware of the opportunity for best-in-class accessibility to company information improves confidence and positive sentiment.

We know investors can be tricky to reach and to understand, (we created Diolog to solve this), which is why we have unpacked five easy and actionable ways to let your investors know that your company is on Diolog. Better investor relationships are right around the corner. 

[1] Add a message in your next announcement or email

Streamline the process of inviting investors to add your company on Diolog by including a message in your next announcement or email. You might create a custom announcement for your investor portal or email list to make investors aware of the fact you are using a two-way communication technology solution.

Alternatively, this could also be as simple as adding a small call-to-action in the footer of your next public announcement (e.g. “Add [Company name] on Diolog to easily access this announcement on your mobile device and communicate with the company!”). Alternatively, a QR code at the bottom of the page or a pre-made Diolog graphic will also do the trick.

By following the links below, you will find a collection of images, email signatures and banners to capture investor attention. 

Download Diolog Graphic Pack

Download Announcement and email template pack 

[2] Notify your registry

To assist in reaching as many investors as possible, inform your share registry that your company is now using Diolog for two-way communication with investors. 

Companies can often be removed from incoming investor queries submitted via share registries, creating the risk of mixed messaging, long response times and not being able to collect valuable data to understand what investors are asking. 

Your share registry can direct all investor communication to  the Diolog app meaning you can aggregate responses, ensure consistency and have visibility across all two-way investor communication data.

[3] Publish a blog or custom announcement on your website

Make sure to put up a notice, announcement or blog post on your current website or investor portal with links to download the Diolog mobile app. 

This will ensure investors know how to properly communicate with the company in a way that keeps investor communication management streamlined internally. This will also reduce potential frustrations for investors having to navigate investor portals or announcements.

Download on IOS

Download on Android

[4] Mention it at the AGM 

The Annual General Meeting is a great opportunity to demonstrate ways your company cares about information accessibility, best-practice technology and listening to investors. 

Include an announcement about Diolog in your address to shareholders or pop a QR code up on the screen which links to the app download while you have them in the room! 

Tip 💡 Prepare for your AGM by encouraging investors to submit questions via Diolog leading up to the AGM or investor conference to save time and reduce the burden of unexpected questions on the day. This is a great strategy to promote investor accessibility no matter whether they can attend the AGM or not. 

[5] Share on socials 

Social media is a great channel for letting investors know that your company is using Diolog. A strategic, low effort way to do this could be by adding short ‘nudges’ in the LinkedIn bios of your company or executive management team. 

For example, in your CEO’s LinkedIn bio, you might suggest the addition of the following line: “Have a question about my latest announcement or address? Ask me on Diolog!”

What ways have you told your investors about Diolog? Let us know!

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